Brittany Gasper

headshot of brittnay gasper

Brittany partners with clients to ensure they have a clear picture of the multitude of factors that drive the decision-making process, so that they can leverage this to inform key business strategies across a variety of audiences. With over a decade of experience in the industry, she has extensive experience collaborating with leaders in pharmaceuticals and healthcare. Brittany has a particular interest and focus in leading global qualitative engagements within the healthcare space, which often include custom approaches for gathering primary insights.

An experienced moderator, she enjoys conducting conversations with a wide range of audiences across physicians and consumers. Her therapy area experience encompasses solid and liquid oncology, obesity, and hemophilia. Prior to HawkPartners, Brittany worked at Adelphi Research focusing within healthcare verticals.

Brittany holds a B.A. in Journalism from St. Bonaventure University.