Exploring the Hispanic/Latine Cancer Patient Journey

A leading pharmaceutical company aimed to uncover disparities in the patient journey of Hispanic/Latine patients. Based on insights and implications, they can now authentically support this patient population.

Exploring the HispanicLatine Cancer Patient Journey

Methods Used


A leading pharmaceutical manufacturer sought to better understand the Hispanic/Latine patient experience in one specific cancer type – and, more specifically, to explore addressable disparities and unique challenges/needs and identify opportunities to impact their disease journey positively.


The HawkPartners team conducted in-depth interviews with Hispanic/Latine cancer patients, their caregivers, oncologists, and advanced practice providers who treat patients of this ethnicity to explore the journey from various perspectives. A mix of Hispanic/Latine patients was included based on country of origin/heritage, current geography, level of acculturation, race, etc. Interviews were conducted in English and Spanish to meet patients in the language they were most comfortable with. This research led to the development of a detailed Hispanic/Latine patient journey map, outlining emotions, challenges, and opportunities to better support all stakeholders across critical milestones. Additionally, we identified culturally specific factors and nuances that are crucial for tailoring support and communication throughout the patient journey.


Project insights deepened our client’s understanding and informed strategic opportunities to authentically support the Hispanic/Latine cancer community, their families, and their HCPs. This included alignment on considerations for the development of a targeted educational campaign and activation within this community.